• Bernat Mill Fire

    Back in 2007, the Bernat Mill burned to the ground displacing more than 50 businesses and 500 of their workers. At the time I was running Uxbridge Public School's Visiting Artist Studios and the Explore and Discover Museum, both which were housed at the mill. I lost most of my art work, supplies and numerous journals filled with poetry and other writing in the fire. Now that I reflect back on that time I realize it must have had a more significant impact than I once thought; I didn't create much after the fire but threw myself into other volunteer endevors. It appears the ashes have now blown away as my desire to translate thoughts and feelings into tangible artwork is burning bright once again.

  • Previous Life Art

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    Torn paper poppies
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    Birch trees in torn paper and string
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    Me with the Butterfly Box
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